It's that time of year again! Rebecca went back to school last Wednesday (1st grade) and Danielle goes back to preschool on Monday. *Sigh* I've
really enjoyed spending time with them this summer. We did all sorts of fun activities -- swimming, the park, a variety of kids' museums, arts and crafts, pony rides, train rides, the play area at the mall, Santa Monica Pier, a gazillion trips to Target, and some other activities that escape my mind right now. And I only dragged them along with me to scrapbook stores a
few times during the summer . . . okay, maybe more than a few.
Rebecca's first week of 1st grade went very well and only a few tears were shed (mine). Why do they have to grow up so fast?!? It seems like just
yesterday she was starting kindergarten!
Here is an acrylic album I made a while back documenting Rebecca's first day of kindergarten. This project was totally out of the norm for me since I never use primary colors when I scrap (I prefer girly colors like pink, purple, lavender, mint green, teal, turquoise, light blue, etc.). However, this cute little crayon-shaped acrylic album (which was one of my design team projects for Kits2Remember) just called out for primary colors, so I made each page a different color and painted the edges to match.
Oh, and I've been tagged again by
Jessica. Jessica is one of my
SoCalScrap buddies, and she puts on what are supposed to be the best scrapbooking retreats around. But since I was just tagged a little over a week ago, I'll just refer everyone to my post a few entries down. A girl can't reveal TOO many personal details in one month, ya know!