Monday, April 23, 2012

Creating Keepsakes May/June issue giveaway winner

The winner of last week's giveway for the May/June issue of Creating Keepsakes is . . . MandiEdited to add:  Mandi was kind enough to let me know that she had already won this issue through one of the other blogs participating in our blog hop last week, so I chose another random winner . . . drumroll . . . Lisa Young!  Congrats Lisa!  I'll send you an email.  Uh-oh . . . I hope you didn't already win it too. :)

For everyone else, please check back tomorrow because I'll be doing another giveaway for Creating Keepsakes' newest special issue!  Woot woot!

1 comment:

  1. Yipee!!! I'm so happy!! Thank you, Stacy! Just sent you an email! Hugs!!
