Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone!

Here's my scrapbook layout for the day:

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Hanukkah, Christmas or whatever you celebrate! Warm wishes!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another acrylic album

Here's an acrylic album I just made. I started with a sheet of Prima Paintables paper and painted the flowers and leaves with Glimmer Mist. I added several coats of Glimmer mist (letting each coat dry before adding the next) to get a really rich and deep color. After I hand-cut out all the flowers and leaves, added a coat of Diamond Glaze on top, then added the cut-out flowers and leaves to my acrylic pages (along with lots of othere goodies!). Most of the other colorful flowers you see here were white Primas that I sprayed with more Glimmer Mist.
Thanks for visiting, and have a great week!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Sunday!

It's been a nice relaxing day. We brought some new toys to the local fire station for their annual holiday toy drive. My husband and I do this with our girls every year, and (hopefully) it teaches our girls the spirit of helping out those less fortunate. This time we got an extra little surprise. The very nice firemen gave us a grand tour of the fire station, and they even let my daughters hop on and "drive" the firetruck. The firemen took the time to explain how things work and answered all of our (many) questions. I think my husband and I enjoyed it as much as our girls did!

And here's my little share for the day . . . a layout I made with the newest Pink Paislee papers. I just love these happy colors! I cut small circles of felt to make the embellishments, and I machine stitched around a large square of felt to make the main photo mat. I just love the soft texture of felt on my pages.

The journaling reads:
Yep, I’m cute and I know it. And let me tell you, I milk it for all it’s worth. Being adorable definitely has its benefits. All I have to do is open my beautiful eyes wide and flash my semi-toothless smile, and my mommy and daddy become putty in my hands. And if that doesn’t do the trick, I just utter a sweet little “mama” or “dada” and my wish is their command. If I keep this up, I’ll have my own pony by the time I’m two! Life is good.

Yes . . . life IS good. :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Acrylic Album

It rained for several days earlier this week and now it's freezing cold outside. Well, I should clarify that it's been around 55 degrees during the day and it drops into the 40's at night. That's FREEZING by Los Angeles' standards. I even had ice on my car this morning . . . Egads! I know, I know . . . I shouldn't complain considering people are dealing with snow and much colder temperatures elsewhere.

In contrast the cold winter weather, here's an album I made with pictures taken of my girls at the beach on a warm sunny day. The pictures were taken by Melissa Walker-Scott, a wonderful photographer in our area.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies

Being a girly girl myself, it's so fun having two little daughters who love girly stuff as much as I do. My daughters love to play dress up and dance around the room like little fairy princesses. I just turn on a little music and off they go! I finally got around to scrapping these pictures from a few years ago.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blog Award

My sweet friend Lisa Spiegel nominated my blog for this award:

Thank you Lisa!!! Lisa and I worked on the Kits2Remember Design Team together last term and I just love her style. In addition to being a talented scrapper, she's also a lovely person inside and out!

Here are the rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Provide links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

In no particular order...

1. Jules: Jules and I worked together on the Creative Team for the now-defunct Gypsy Rose Paperie, and she does the most AMAZING altered art! You have to check out her blog!
2. Kristi: One of the fearless leaders/owners of SoCalScrap, one of my very favorite scrapbooking hangouts. Kristi does such beautiful things with Prima flowers and bling!
3. Robin: The other fearless leader/owner of SoCalScrap. Thank you for giving us Southern California gals a place to call home. Check out the adorable name tags she made for everyone attending the upcoming SoCalScrap crop! How sweet is that?!?
4. Rochelle: Another SoCalScrap gal! I just love Rochelle's style . . . her layouts are beautiful!!
5. Liz Hicks: My favorite Prima Donna! I've learned some great tips from Liz, and thanks to her I'm even more addicted to Prima and Glimmer Mist than I was before! Her blog is filled with inspiration, personal insights and fun giveways.

And to all the wonderful ladies I've just nominated -- please don't feel obligated to pass this along. I know that it's a busy time for everyone, so no pressure! I just wanted to give you all a "shout out" and to let other people know about your great blogs!! Thanks for all the inspiration, ladies!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Spring Has Sprung

Now that the weather is beginning to get cold and the days are getting shorter, I find myself thinking ahead to Spring. I can't wait to plant colorful flowers in my garden and watch the leaves grow back on the trees.
Here's a scrapbook page I recently made for the November monthly layout challenge on SoCalScrap. The challenge was to use corrugated cardboard on your layout. I first painted the corrugated cardboard with a couple different colors of acrylic paint, then I sprayed several colors of Glimmer Mist (love that stuff!) on top of it. I also used Glimmer Mist to color some of the Prima flowers which started off as plain white. Those white Prima flowers are my favorite embellishment because I can make them any color I want. I love working with all these bright, happy colors!!!

ETA: Rochelle reminded me to mention that I won the challenge contest! :)