Sunday, August 31, 2008

"I Love Your Blog" award.

My blog has just been nominated for this sweet little award:
Thank you Jen (aka ScrapbookingPrincess)!

Really?? You like my two-week old blog? I'm speechless! Well, not completely speechless . . . I'd like to thank the academy, my family who has supported me through all the late-night blog tweakings, and all of my loyal blog followers (all two of you).

And in return, I would like to nominate my fellow Kits2Remember Krew members and Jessica (our fearless K2R leader):
{Trisha is off the hook this time because I noticed that her blog has already been nominated for this award}

Friday, August 29, 2008

I've been tagged!!!!!

Jessica, the owner of Kits2Remember (the site for which I've been a proud designer for the past 5 months), just tagged me!! I'm new to this whole bloggy tagging thingy, but from what I've managed to figure out, being tagged simply means I just need to answer a set of questions and then tag some other people. Uh, okay. Sure. I'm game! Here goes . . .

Seven random facts you may not know about me:

1) I've seen every I Love Lucy episode at least 100 times, and I can recite many of the lines along with Lucy and her cohorts.
2) I have a bowl of ice cream every night. My freezer is always fully stocked with several flavors of Dreyers Grand Light Slow Churned ice cream (my favorite lately is chocolate-chip cookie dough).
3) I like to dance around the house with my girls.
4) I've been an insurance agent for almost 11 years, and before that I was an attorney.
5) Although I consider myself a fairly articulate person, for some reason I always have trouble pronouncing the words "Ibuprofen" and "pomegranate" (thank goodness I've never had to say both words in the same sentence).
6) I like to sleep with lots of pillows -- at least two regular pillows and two body pillows. My husband calls it my "fort."
7) I went to cooking school in Paris one summer during my college years.

OK, so now it's my turn to tag people. I'm going to tag:


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How I made my blog banner . . .

A few people have asked me how I made my blog banner. Well, I knew I wanted something with flowers and bling (big surprise, huh??), so I took a picture of one of my recent layouts. Here is the one I used:
I moved the butterflies around before taking the picture so that they would be in the center. Then I flipped and cropped the picture and started playing around with my photo editing software (PhotoStudio 5.5). I did a little color cloning and played around with the saturation, contrast and tone. Then I added the borders and used the paint bucket to add some color to the white areas and the borders. Voila!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I finally have my very own blog!!

Tap, tap, tap . . . is this thing on?? Is anyone out there?

Anyone? Anyone? Beuller, Beuller?

Okay, now that I've spent HOURS trying to figure out what to call my blog and many more hours designing my banner (it's pretty cute, don't ya think?), what do I do now? I guess I need to upload some of my layouts, add some links to other sites and blogs, and come up with some witty repartee for my blog entries.

If you've come to take a peek, thank you for visiting and welcome!